What is Group Discussion (GD)

Group Discussion (GD) is a methodology used by an management institutes to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits  and skills required in management education. Group of candidates (Group ranges from 5 to 15 members) is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes (Generally upto 2 minutes only) to think about the same, and then asked to discuss it among themselves for about 10 to 20 minutes.


Personality Traits for GD

  • Ability to work in a team (Team Work)            
  • Communication skills
  • Reasoning ability
  • Leadership skills
  • Initiative
  • Assertiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Ability to think

Though group discussion seems to be uncomfortable idea to many individuals, there stems many management points that can be noticed in an individual. Skills of management level and expertise in handling down a situation with knowledge about the subject can easily be recognized during discussion of a topic. This helps the examiner of group discussion to find out right candidates.

There are many group discussion skills that need to be adhered to. Firstly the main objective is to participate well and moderate in case of a confusion. Be polite and maintain a composure. Easily getting into a heated argument is not the objective and you may be giving many negative signals through your body language. Aggressiveness can be modulated in the form of assertiveness during voicing out an issue. Decorum has to be clearly maintained.

Use informative words, avoid jargons and state firmly. Do got express with articulated hand gestures and opening up the discussion is also a nice idea. Concluding a discussion is also seen as a management quality and a token of leadership talent.